Momett Dolls, also known as Memory Dolls, are dolls from Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil that were created by Momett. According to Momett, the dolls ran away, wanting more memories. However they weren't sturdy, and as a result, broke apart and are scattered into pieces throughout the levels. There is a Momett Doll for each level, and a piece is found when Klonoa grab one of six star-like items called "Momett Doll Bells". Collecting all six Bells in each level will give Klonoa a Momett Doll. There are 16 Dolls in total.
Mamett Dolls[]
Mamett Dolls (マメットドール) are dolls that can be found throughout the stages from Klonoa Heroes: Densetsu no Star Medal and exchanged by items with Mamett in the Sky Temple.