Pamela, also known simply as Karal's mother, is a large fish who first appeared in Klonoa: Door to Phantomile. Her son is Karal.
In Door to Phantomile, Pamela first appeared as a corrupted beast, servant to the tainted King Seadoph. In her normal form, her scales are light pink with her horns plumed and graceful, along with her two pairs of feathered fins. Pamela's eyes are blue, and a blue gem was embedded on her forehead.
In the Wii remake, her normal form is yellow, and she is a slightly smaller and resembles a lot like an adult form of Karal.
Pamela shows concern for others she knows dear whenever she sees them off and leaves them at their destination. As shown, in Door to Phantomile and its Wii remake, when she transports Klonoa and Huepow to Coronia and later Cress, Pamela tells them to be careful, and that she'll be praying for their safety.
She also cares deeply for her son, Karal. As shown as in Klonoa Heroes, while struggling to gain her free will in her corrupted state, Pamela pleaded for Karal to run when Guntz (who was convinced that Pamela couldn't be returned to normal) threatened to kill Karal if he didn't move away from his mother.
Pamela has the ability to fly in the air, as well as speak.
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile[]
Pamela served as the guardian of Shell Castle in the Water Kingdom of Jugpot when she, along with her master, King Seadoph, were poisoned by the powers of Ghadius when he attacked the kingdom. Both Pamela and Seadoph were turned evil, and the king stopped the water from flowing to Forlock, the Tree village that relies on the water flow for nourishment. Klonoa and Huepow heard about Ghadius' attack on Jugpot and the corruption Seadoph and Pamela's corruption from Karal, who took them inside Shell Castle where the king and Pamela lied in wait. The corrupted King Seadoph called upon Pamela to aid him in his fight against Klonoa, but after a grueling battle, defeated them both, returning them back to normal.
Pamela later flew to Breezegale to help Klonoa travel to Coronia after hearing everything from King Seadoph and Granny. When the Moon Kingdom of Cress re-surfaced, Pamela came to Klonoa's aid, transporting him and Huepow to Cress where she dropped off the two heroes, telling them to be careful before flying away.
After Klonoa's battle with Ghadius, Pamela carried King Seadoph, Granny, Balue, and Moire with her to the top of the Moon Kingdom to celebrate Klonoa's victory, along with Karal. However the celebration was shortlived when Nahatomb was ressurected. Pamela was last seen carrying the village leaders and Balue to their next destination where the final battle between Nahatomb and Klonoa took place. It is implied that she returned back to Jugpot along with Karal and King Seadoph after Klonoa defeated Nahatomb.
- Whenever Pamela flies, the melody of a harp is heard.