Klonoa Wiki

The Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series is out now! Be sure to add in details you find from the new remasters. And don't forget to help out with entries from the fan translations of Kaze no Klonoa: Moonlight Museum and Klonoa Heroes: Densetsu no Star Medal released.


Klonoa Wiki

The Ark Revisited is the second level that takes place onboard the Ishras Ark. Klonoa and his friends must now stop the replicant Ark from connecting Lunatea with the Fifth Kingdom.


The replicant Ishras Ark shares the same design as the original inside and out, but is more vibrant in color.


Upon reviewing the situation, Klonoa and Popka set out to destroy the Ark's engines.

How to Destroy the Engine[]

First Engine Destroyed[]

Helpful Tat[]

Sinking Ark[]
